I am so excited that you are about to embark on your next course How to Sell to Companies!

This particular course is personal to me because before selling to companies, I was struggling month after month just trying to pay rent, let alone run a successful business.

In 2013, I made a REAL switch to targeting companies and I’ve never looked back.

A lot of entrepreneurs stop themselves selling to companies because they believe companies won’t want their type of service, or that it’s difficult to win business.

Here’s the good news… Selling to companies is EASY, when you know how! More importantly, selling to companies can be HUGELY REWARDING for you and the companies you work with.

Where are you right now?

You may have never even considered selling to companies before, you may have tried and struggled to convert prospects to real profits, or you might already be selling to companies but you simply want more success.

Wherever you’re at now with your business, you’re sure to pick up some fantastic ACTIONABLE tips within this short course.

Like all the courses here on SSA, make sure you take plenty of notes and keep asking how you can apply what you learn in your business or career.

Why are you here? 

Before we get into the details, I want to make sure you’re clear on your exact reason or reasons why you’re here.

“Do you have a product or service you want to sell to companies?”

“If you could work with five dream companies, which would they be and what industry?”

“If you don’t have a product or service yet, is there someone else’s you could sell for a commission?

This is the first in MANY companies I will be providing here on SSA, but as a member you’ll have access to all of them as they launch over the coming months.

For now, let’s begin!