
How to Crush Corporate


Do you have a product or service which can add value to companies?

One of the most overlooked opportunities right now is helping companies (small business to billion dollar brands) solve specific problems and create transformation.

No matter how scary it might seem to take your expertise to companies, this course will almost instantly demystify the myth and have you feeling more confident than ever, with tangible steps to take today.

More so than this, Pete Scott will share real life in the trenches strategies which he’s personally used in hundreds of sales meetings to help grow his own personal brand within the corporate sector.

Now it’s your turn.

Contained within this course, are six in depth training sessions (90 to 120 minutes each) which can unlock infinite potential for taking your services to the corporate market.

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The online world is HUGE, but it’s also massively overcrowded.

When the majority go to one market, it always leaves another market underserved.

Companies in all industries is this underserved market (small business all the way to billion dollar brands).

There’s likely companies within a 50 mile radius of your home you could help create change and transformation, even if with one specific department.

For some reading this, there’s companies within 2 miles.

Ultimately, the chance to help companies has never been greater than now, more so than this brands are constantly on the lookout to work with experts in specific areas and willing to pay a premium too.

All of this and more, is covered within this programme.