Before you read below, say out loud what you want to charge per day! (Then, continue.)
I’m sure you’ll agree we’re all guilty of saying we want to earn £££££ amount or $$$$$$ from our business but let’s be real for a moment:
What we say + What we actually do = Doesn’t usually add up
Throughout July when I was helping x 100 people to grow their businesses, we didn’t really talk much about the latest marketing hack or secrets to riches in 7 days.
We did over 100 hours laser focused on building solid foundations for their businesses.
The result: Many of those businesses had an increase of sales of between 60% to 80% and the group generated an increase of £300,000 in revenues!
One of the core areas we discussed throughout the month was that your business is a perfect reflection of you.
If your business isn’t producing the revenues it should, then there’s something within you as a leader that needs to change (even and especially if you work for yourself and by yourself.)
There’s no beating around the bush here or Law of Attraction.
REALITY = Your business will transform when you transform
DREAM = Wanting your business to change but being unwilling to change
As a business owner you have a worth! Yep, you do. However, as the first diagram below shows, if you’re putting your energy and effort into the red circle ‘low value activities’ you’ll end up with a low value business.
If you put your energy and effort into the green circle, you’ll almost guaranteed to have a high value business.
It’s. All. A. Reflection.
You’ll see the blue arrow below says 80%/20%. In my experience of helping businesses over the years, i’ve observed that where our focus goes our actions soon follow.
If you’re putting 80% of your time into the LOW value activities, you’ll be feeling the following emotions:
• Stress
• Overwhelm
• Hamster on a wheel
• Rushed
• Reactive
However, if you’re putting 80% of your time into the green circle, you’ll likely be feeling these emotions:
• On point
• Focused
• High vibe
• Successful
• Happy
There’s no escaping the truth here, or getting around the circles.
You are either:
A: Putting your time and energy into high value activities and reaping the rewards
B: Working like a crazy person without any clear strategy or direction
Of course, there’s multiple other factors that play a role here, but this is just a quick email, not the entire solution to building the deep foundations in a business.
The second image is where it gets interesting.
Everybody talks about how they want to earn £50,000 per year or even 1 million per year, but very very very very very few show up like they’re worth that amount.
Therefore, this example is one of many models I use when helping to transform peoples businesses and guess what?
You’ll see the math is simple.
Take what you want to earn per year X by 180 days and this = what you’re worth per day.
So, where’s the problem?
The problem is simple.
If you want to earn even £50,000 per year from your business, then you’re basically saying your day-rate is £277.77.
However, if you look at your behaviours on an average day, are you showing up like someone you would employ to pay £277.77?
I don’t know about you, but if I was paying someone £277.77 per DAY, I wouldn’t want them living in the red circle doing the shop floor work!
I would NEED them to be thinking strategically and helping to grow the future of my business!
And the funniest thing of all, is that I bet your eyes looked right the way down to the £500,000 or the 1 million right?
Imagine paying someone £5,555,55 per DAY to work for you 180 days per year.
• What would you expect from them?
• How would they help you?
• How would they help grow your business?
• Would you want them in the red or the green circle?
• What would you do if they procrastinated
You get the idea.
The next time you find yourself in the red circle all day, or procrastinating, my top tip would be to invoice yourself and pay the invoice.
Then, donate the amount paid to your favourite charity.
Do this enough days in a row and you’ll soon start to see your behaviours move to what ‘s really important instead of just fighting fires and being a hamster on a wheel.