by Pete Scott | Feb 22, 2022 | Consultations, High value sales, Uncategorized
I can almost guarantee you are not results driven. I say this with total kindness, but even if I haven’t met you before, I’m willing to say there’s a 99% chance you are focused on selling the wrong things in your business. Hear’s why. Let’s take a personal trainer...
by Pete Scott | Dec 15, 2021 | B2B Sales, Consultations, High value sales, Selling expertise, Uncategorized
Let’s jump right to it, you’re meant to run a highly profitable business which helps to transform your clients lives. Here’s how: Step into your expertise fully, I mean like on a massive scale! Make your minimum engagement level 1K (this means your...
by Pete Scott | Aug 31, 2021 | Influence and persuasion, Sales transformation, Uncategorized
Selling a service will always be the hardest thing in the world, selling the transformation will change the game completely. Transformation focuses on the ultimate goal for your client, transformation is empowering for both you and the client. Your client buys the...
by Pete Scott | Aug 27, 2021 | Uncategorized
Show up with total certainty. Imagine from this moment, you activated a part of the mind which allowed you to show up with total certainty. In fact, once activated, you could never switch it off. – What would your body language be like? – How...
by Pete Scott | Feb 4, 2021 | Uncategorized
What if there was a straight forward and direct way you could double your sales target for the month ahead? On top of this, imagine achieving this without having to do anything substantially new and instead, doubling down on components which already exist within your...
by Pete Scott | Aug 27, 2019 | Uncategorized
1) Sales is not a transactional skill you learn like Microsoft Excel. It’s an art (a science too) and must be continually worked on, practiced and mastered. If you make sales a priority and practise it daily, you’ll see the person you become in the...